School work is coming to a close. Recently for ETEc 5213 we were asked to create an instructional website and publish it to our UA Server. This website needed to have at least 3 instructional pages plus a homepage and an author page.
Dreaweaver is a great program for learning to build websites. It offers many troubleshooting tips as well as tutorials. The website I created was very basic and given more time and a little more experience could be altered to be very applicable in a classroom. the menu bar is created by using a Spry bar menu which was much easier than creating a "nice" menu by myself. It comes prepared to link to other pages and is esaily changed to other colors. The first time I used the menu the links did not work correctly but I deleted the menu and retried and the next one worked fine.
I would like to spend some time to create a photo album to add to the webpage for stick photos for students to access to use in their videos.