Friday, June 26, 2009

Sad Realization

Nathan and I have lived together for over 2 years now and when we first moved in together, I knew he was a neat freak. Well over a few months he relaxed alittle and our place has always been clean but not as orderly as he first tried to do. Since he has been gone all week I have realized how messy I am. I assume for the past 2 years that he has constantly been going behind me picking up everything I lay down. About wednesday, I looked around the house and saw stuff everywhere. How can one person make this big of a mess. While grateful that Nathan has been picking up after me, I feel awful that he has had to. I cleaned this morning though so that the house is clean for him to come home to. Can't wait to see him tonight.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Today after working in the heat, the girl I work with and myself decided to go swimming at Hickory Creek. So on the way home, I stopped at the family dollar to buy a floaty. Got it home aired it up then off we went. I applied more sunscreen than usual with it being so hot out. I even read the bottle...It is SPF 30, and in large letters it says EXTRA WATER PROOF...Since I thought this was the case, I swam my little butt off and what happens when I come home and shower. I realize that I am red as can be. DANG. I thought I was doing good by putting on sunscreen. Should have never trusted that it was waterproof!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Have you stopped to think lately how much we use electricity? This past winter the power was out for a couple days due to the ice storm. I remember thinking these same thoughts then.
Today at about 5 my power went out for no apparent reason. At first I thought it would come right back on, 15 minutes later when it had still not come on, I decided to shower while there was enough light from the sun, and truely I thought for sure it would be back on by the time I got out. Of course not, one hour later, I still had no power. I finally went to Kristina's to pass the time. In the one hour before I left, I had caught myself trying to do things that all use electricity. Here are a FEW of the ones I did.
  • I had tried to warm up a the microwave.
  • I also thought about blow drying my hair and had to remind myself that this would need electricity.
  • Then I was going to play on the wireless router is powered with electricity.
  • Lastly, when leaving, I tried to go through the garage but could not get the garage door to open.

Funny how you don't realize how much you flip the light switch until nothing happens when you do!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I think I can

Nathan leaves tomorrow to start work out of town. I did not think it would be that bad at first. Actually I do not think I really thought it would ever happen. But it is and I guess I better get used to it. After a couple weeks I am sure I will get used to it whether I want to or not. But for now the thought of him being gone all week really bums me out. I am so used to he and I being able to run around after work/school and spend every possible moment together. Now all we have is the weekend. This sucks.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Busy Weekend

Holiday weekends are always so busy for Nathan and I. Even though Fathers Day is not a huge holiday it is still important.
Nathan is out getting his hair cut and looking for a gift for his dad (he is a last minute shopper!) I got on here after he left, and actually got to talk to Jeremy (Brother in South Korea). It was great to hear from him. He and his wife had a baby alittle over a week ago, Colton Layne. He is so adorable. I can not wait until they make it back to the states so I can see all of them, 9 more months. Their older daughter Sydney is growing up so fast.
We have a wedding to go to this afternoon. A friend from High School. I am excited for him and excited to see everyone today. Anymore it is hard to keep up with everyone.
Tonight we are going to Justin and Sarah's, we are excited, we have not been out there much lately. We also have to get some food ready for Dad's thing (i call it a thing cause I am not sure how to clasify it!, I don't thnk it is really a party cause we did not send out invites!)
Then tomorrow, I told nathan I wanted to go swimming and he responded telling me we could get up early and go. Who gets up early and goes swimming?! I guess my husband!
But we also are going to go to Pea Ridge to have lunch with Nathans dad before going back out to my Dads. Nathan and his dad do not get to spend much time together since Randy (his dad) and Sue have taken on raising their great grand daughter. Its great that they were willing to step up and put her in a safer environment though.
In addition to all this stuff, Nathan is leaving to do an out of town job on Monday. He will go to Little Rock for a couple of weeks and then start a job in Atkins, Ar soon. We have known it was coming but it is starting to hit me that he will not be here during the weeks. I went grocery shopping yesterday and had no idea what to buy since it was just for me. He gets to come home every weekend though so hopefully the weeks will fly by. Once school starts back I know it will go by faster but until then I am going to have to find something to occupy my time.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's out there.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Grocery Shopping

Today I was at the grocery store and saw a larger lady walking around with her gut hangin out. Surely she felt a draft or something. Is it that hard to pull up your pants, pull down your shirt or here is a novel bigger clothes. I don't get it.