Today at about 5 my power went out for no apparent reason. At first I thought it would come right back on, 15 minutes later when it had still not come on, I decided to shower while there was enough light from the sun, and truely I thought for sure it would be back on by the time I got out. Of course not, one hour later, I still had no power. I finally went to Kristina's to pass the time. In the one hour before I left, I had caught myself trying to do things that all use electricity. Here are a FEW of the ones I did.
- I had tried to warm up a the microwave.
- I also thought about blow drying my hair and had to remind myself that this would need electricity.
- Then I was going to play on the wireless router is powered with electricity.
- Lastly, when leaving, I tried to go through the garage but could not get the garage door to open.
Funny how you don't realize how much you flip the light switch until nothing happens when you do!
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